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Disclaimer and Privacy Policy



Our overseas property sales agents, which are responsible for overseas properties outside Hong Kong, do not sell and represent any Hong Kong local properties and are therefore not subject to Hong Kong’s Estate Agents Ordinance. All information is based on the terms, conditions and details of the property purchase and sale contract signed by the purchaser. Rental returns are provided by the property management agency and on behalf of the rental unit. Buyers can use their own properties and rent themselves.

Privacy Policy

The Company is committed to protect and safeguard personal information. Accordingly, the Company’s policy is to ensure that the collection, use, transfer, storage and access to personal information on the policies and practices comply with Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong, “the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance" (the “Ordinance").

The intended use of personal data collected and relevant information

To achieve the purpose of the Company to provide property consultancy services in Overseas, the company may require customers to provide their personal information, and such personal information including but not limited to your name, phone number, mailing address, contact information, ID card number and may contain the customer’s personal data have photocopies of documents, such as ID cards, bank statements and utility bills. The provision of personal data is voluntary, if the customer fails to provide such personal information, the Company may therefore unable to provide you with the requested services.

We collect personal information on the purpose and use:

1. To provide the overseas property agency and consultancy services;

2. Marketing and sales of the company’s services, products or activities;

3 The purpose of any of the foregoing related purposes.

The use of personal data for direct marketing

The Company intends to use the customer’s name and contact information (including phone number, email or mailing address) for direct marketing Overseas property consultancy services.

Network Records

When visiting our site, the web server will record your information, including your IP address, device class visitors browsing records and other information, but does not collect personally identifiable information. We use these information to improve the operation of our website. Most browsers are pre-set to accept cookies. You can choose not to accept cookies when visit the company’s Website, but it may therefore certain features on this site will not function properly.

Disclosure and transfer of personal data

All personal information will be kept confidential by the Company, such as non-judicial or government agency request access to your personal information, the Company will not be disclosed without your consent your personal information to third parties.


Data security and preservation

The Company has adopted electronic security systems, implementing internal control measures to prevent personal information being viewed or processed without the authorization. Personal data within the database for the above purposes and has been preserved, until there is no need so far.


Stop direct marketing

If customers require the Company to stop using their personal data for direct marketing, the company will stop using their personal data for this purpose. Please email to to notify the Company.


Access to and correction of personal data

Customers have the right to access and correct your personal data. Please email to  to notify the Company. 



If you have any queries, please email to  to notify the Company. The Company reserves the right to declare and / or any part of the changes. Only published in this website without notice.






本公司致力保護及保障個人資料。因此,本公司之政策為確保其就有關收集、使用、轉移、保存及查閱個人資料的政策及常規符合香港法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》 (「該條例」)的規定。


為達至本公司能提供海外房地產仲介服務的目的,本公司可能要求顧客提供其個人資料, 而該等個人資料包括但不限於姓名、電話號碼、通訊地址、聯絡資料、身份證號碼及可能 載有顧客的個人資料文件的影印本,例如身份證、銀行月結單及公用事業賬單。提供個人資料純屬自願性質,若顧客未能提供該等個人資料,本公司可能因此而未能提供閣下所需服務。


1. 提供海外房地產仲介及顧問服務;
2. 市場推廣及營銷本公司之服務、產品或活動;
3. 與任何上述用途有關的目的。





當瀏覽本公司網站時,網站伺服器會紀錄閣下的到訪資料,包括閣下的IP地址、訪客瀏覽紀錄及裝置類別等資料,但不會收集可識別使用者個人身分的資料。本公司使用這些訪客紀錄作改善網站運作。大多數的瀏覽器都是預設定為接受cookies。閣下可以選擇不接受 cookies 瀏覽本公司網站,但可能因此本網站內某些功能將不能正常運作。









若顧客要求本公司停止使用其個人資料作直接促銷,本公司將停止使用其個人資料作該用途。 請以電郵知悉本公司。






如有任何查詢,請以電郵知悉本公司。 本公司保留更改本聲明及/或其任何部分的權利。 只會在本網頁公布,而不會另行通知。

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